If you asked me to write this mental health story when I was at St. Mikes, I probably would have skipped it. So all the student athletes that have written their story, I applaud you and thank you for spreading the word and making others feel comfortable and confident to share their own story. I didn’t feel comfortable sharing my mental health status with anyone until I read all the stories provided by Hope Happens Here. If you ever asked any of my friends to describe me in one word, it probably would be happy or smiley but that was just the outside of how I really felt. I always felt like there was something wrong with me, mentally and physically. I just blamed my vertigo, erratic emotions, panic attacks, insomnia, shortness of breaths, etc. on the stresses from school and hockey. I would hide all these symptoms from all my friends and teammates, not wanting to look “weak” or “not fun”. Hiding from the people that love you the most is the last thing you should do. Talk to a friend, a teammate, or even a professor. The first person I actually reached out to was Justin, thanking you for making an organization that breaks the negative stigma and starting the conversation around mental health. You’re not alone, even after graduating! Hug your family members, tell your friends you love them, or smile at a stranger... it’s the little things that you’ll learn to appreciate.